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We are heading up to Ketchikan, Alaska to visit a family member in a couple weeks. I'd like to go out and do some fishing for salmon and/or halibut. I have never been there before so I'm hoping someone has some advice for me on how to go about it. Should I book with a guide? If so, who is a good one? Do I just rent equipment? Any advise on what company to book with? It would just be my daughter and I. Thanks!
That will be fun! Have a great time! Post fishing reports when you return, please!

I'm watching the replies to your post because one day I'll sail to Alaska.

I like that it has 6,640 miles of coastline out of 12,479 for all of our United States. I will surf fish, boat fish, fish the lakes and fish the rivers.
My wife, my sister and I fished with The Alaska Catch charter last year, We had a great trip and Capt. Mike was very nice to work with and accommodated our needs for the rookie anglers as well as allowed me to use my experience. He knows where to find the fish and how to catch them. I thought he was reasonable in his prices. He took great care of our catch and shipped it to our home as we directed. Check his site out then call him to talk about what he can do for you. Have fun and good luck finding what works for you. It's a great place to visit.
I was in Ketchikan in the middle of September last year on a cruise. We have family up there too but my nephew's friend with a boat had other things come up. Upon trying to find a boat to charter, we were told we were too late in the day, even though we had just walked off the ship. That, or the lady at the sport-fishing desk in the welcome center makes better commission off the sight-seeing tours which she promoted heavily. She did say there was a fresh run of silvers that had just come in several miles to the south, but my nephew who lives there said that was untrue.

Either way, that night at dinner we spoke to a couple who had successfully gotten a charter. Their charter simply fished the bottom for various species of rock cod. They were also told the salmon just weren't available.

We walked up the creek from the tourist area of town, and there were a lot of pink salmon in the river. If you have never seen salmon in the river, it is hard to believe how many there can be. The fish didn't look very fresh though. There were even a couple of seals feeding on them in the river a block or two into town.

It doesn't sound like what you are after, but there is an old brothel, I believe it is Dolly's House where they do tours, but also rent out fishing rods and sell licenses on the boardwalk over the creek. Again, this was all on the south end of town, in the touristy area by the cruise ship docks. We ended up wandering through town, following the river, and shopping. It was still a neat experience, but when you go to Alaska and don't fish, it feels a bit like a wasted trip.

Good luck if you go. The best time to fish is whenever you get the chance. Even if there aren't salmon, there are always the bottom fish such as halibut and rock cod.
You can try the Cedars Lodge in Ketchikan. They offer fully guided charter trips. May have a single day opening for you. Or ask them about Clover Pass Lodge that is the same family and company but the self guided option. At that time of year you should be able to hook up on silvers about anywhere you go by Ketchikan.

PM me and I can tel you how to rig up your rods with weight hoochie and bait.
I'm pretty sure it's still just 1 halibut per person with size restrictions in SE Alaska if you fish with a guide. It's 2 any size if you don't use a guide. IF you are do it yourself types I'd fly over to Coffman Cove on POW Island. Flights are only 20-30 minutes on a float plane and run several days a week. You can sit out 2 miles from the Cove starting at high tide and catch fish fairly easily most days. Unless the wind is blowing from the SE Clarence Strait is usually dead calm. We use J&J Charters and he'll fix you up with everything you need except license to fish halibut. He does guide as well. Plenty of other folks will set you but John Rodriguez is the most knowledgeable Guide up there if you need some direction.
If your sticking to he Ketchikan Area the streams in town have runs or if Urban fishing isn't your thing the drive several miles up to the streams on the north side. If you didn't bring gear you can spend less than $25 a person at the Walmart on the way to get some adequate gear.
I don't know about Ketchikan, but you are picking a perfect year to go. My son and I were in Alaska (Doc Warners near Juneau) from Aug 20-26 and the silver fishing is phenomenal this year. We caught 30 big silvers one day (only kept 12!) and most were in the 26-32 inch range.
What I recommend is you first go with a guide. Then if you want to go fishing more, you will have an idea where to go and what to fish with. Although you can ask around and people will give you some tips. Renting a boat may be just as expensive as getting a guide.

Halibut is fairly simple. Big pole, heavy braided line, 1 pound sinker and 8/0 Mustad circle hook and 120 lb test mono leader. Ask around the doc where to go and fish slack tide. Fish right on the bottom. Let them take the bait and let the circle hook hook the fish for you.

This is the time of year when Silvers are starting to run. I never got to go because I was to young, but my dad and brother built the prison there in Ketchakan and they would fish for silvers with herring right off the dock with great success. Just jig them down a ways and find the level they are biting at and hold on!

Have a great time and bring back some photos to share with the rest of us. Smile

Sorry I was trying to post some picks of the halibut my son and nephew caught in August but having trouble doing this on the iPad. Anyways my son caught a 55 and 80 lber and my nephew landed a 60 pound one last month.