Two old vets chasing world record Splake and tiger musky in the high mountains of Joes Valley. This short video depicts that adventure.
Nice Video ! I love that lake, I grew up fishing that lake and the surrounding areas. I even fished the feeder streams as a small boy with my grand dad , in the meadows that is now the lake. I remember when the dam was under construction.
Thanks for sharing
Every time I go to Joe's Valley Reservoir through the steep canyon I study the river below and drool. As much as I would love to fish it.....My old legs and heart are gone so it is only a dream. I envy you that you fished the streams before the reservoir was created.
I always take a fly rod or two with the intent to fish the streams that feed it, but I never get around to it. Maybe this fall when I return to Joe's Valley in pursuit of Tiger Musky I will fish the small streams that remind me of my childhood days on other small streams and creeks.
Time slips away so fast, Lonnie. Find a way to return to fish those waters you fished with your grandfather. There will be a time that both of those memories will be special to you. Good Luck. Good Fishing. Steve
I hear ya. One of my favorite places to fish there was up in the steep canyon on seeley creek. Caught some very nice cutthroat out of the stream including a 29" 11 1/2 lb one in the 70's . I took my kids down there several times. But old age , eye desease, artificial knees, and a fat belly limits me to lakes now. Although I do venture over to browns park on the green a couple times a year.
If you ever need someone to go along to joes valley and hold 1 end of the tape on your record fish , I am always willing.
Thanks Lonnie
You are always welcome on my boat Lonnie. Like you, my body is wracked with disease that limits my ability to get around much, but I can still fish out of my boat.
I would like to move slowly along the streams with a fly rod and catch small lrout on a dry flie. Oh God what I would give to be able to do that once again. I'm afraid its not in the cards, but for now I can still fish out of my boat and that brings me much happiness. As long as anglers like my posts I will continue to post them in the hopes that more fishermen will be on the water. Steve
Tks for sharing your short video and a great fishing story.....wish I had the talent to show and report like that, but for now I'm still limited to tks for what you do....another vet....
i guess i'm going to have to look into the requirements for that.. last winter i caught a 26 inch 8lbs splake on 6 lbs line ice fishing there..
Hi Ron,
The IGFA web page is down due to the hurricane. (They are located in Dania Beach FL) but when they get back on line, look at their page you can find all the information you need to submit a record line class application. If anyone can catch a record fish on Joes Valley it will be you. Good luck! Steve
well i have looked at IGFA site before i even looked up splake for the record size. i'm thinking of going for the record where line size don't mater. i have seen splake in Joe's Valley over 20 lbs and fish lake as well.. it could be the next record world record Splake could come from Utah.. if i can keep my self from getting side tracked and put some more time in i think there is a all line class record here in this state.. [sly]
if nothing else it will be fun to give it a try [
hope to see you out and about this fall. i just about got my 63 starcraft cuddy restored so it'll be a bet nicer then the small alum i was fishing last year.. lol
[quote fuzzyfisher]well i have looked at IGFA site before i even looked up splake for the record size. i'm thinking of going for the record where line size don't mater. i have seen splake in Joe's Valley over 20 lbs and fish lake as well.. it could be the next record world record Splake could come from Utah.. if i can keep my self from getting side tracked and put some more time in i think there is a all line class record here in this state.. [sly]
if nothing else it will be fun to give it a try [
hope to see you out and about this fall.
i just about got my 63 starcraft cuddy restored so it'll be a bet nicer then the small alum i was fishing last year.. lol[/quote]