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Full Version: Willard BFT Floatilla 8-29-17
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[#0000FF]Several of us old tube/toon/yak derelicts ganged up on the kitties out of the south marina this morning. No wipers, walleyes or crappies were harmed. But the kitties got in a couple of stabs on the anglers. And the morning hatch of bugs got us putting on our head nets early.

Pa and I launched before 7 on 76 degree water with only a light ripple. Also, the water was a bit cleaner today than last week.

Rocky Raab launched his nifty yak a bit later, as did r2U2 in his banana yak. Rocky fished near Pa and myself. Richard headed south.

Had my first kitty caught and released shortly after 7. Looked like it was gonna be a barn burner day. NOT. Compared to the last couple of trips it was a lot harder and the fish more scattered.

Also, unlike previous trips, there were not many fish close to the dikes. Most of my catches were well offshore in about 12 feet of water.

Everybody caught a few kitties and the honey do lists remained unscathed at home whilst we suffered upon the waters.

I got to experiment some more with some new colors and designs in my fligs (floating jigs) Happy to report that I caught fish on just about everything I served up...including several fish on tube jigs and worm. There weren't any big concentrations of fish but enough onesies and twosies to keep up the anticipation. I did get one double.

Surprised at how many small cats I caught today. Most were the standard "cookie cutters" at around 18 inches. Several 20 to 22 inchers. But quite a few under sixteen and one barely a footlong. Did manage to put a limit in my basket of fillet size fish that will finish off the amount I need for next month's family fish fry.

Good to see you guys again.
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]
Compared to the last couple of trips it was a lot harder and the fish more scattered.

Also, unlike previous trips, there were not many fish close to the dikes. Most of my catches were well offshore in about 12 feet of water.

As always, happy to get your report. As for the fish being scattered, I found the same thing at Utah Lake yesterday. I'm wondering if the "deep" water at the Knolls might be worth checking out.
[#0000FF]Pa and I hit that a couple of weeks ago. I started getting into fish in 4' of water straight out from the end of the road. And the 4-5 foot depth held up all day. However, I did get into some bigger fish in the deeper water out off the rocky point. That has always been good to me.

I am always ready to search 'em out if necessary. You can't always count on the fish being where you caught them on the last trip. So I do a series of big S turns...shallow to deep and back...along a stretch of shoreline. Once I find the depth dujour I watch my sonar and try to stay in the zone...being prepared to start a new search if the fish change their minds.
Thanks for a fun day Pat. Fishing was steady and the bugs were relentless. Thank heaven for head nets. Motor worked well and loved the Fligs. Thanks. Starvation needs to be assaulted soon. Still cant get my pics to load. Hate windows 10.
Good Lookin basket of fish.
[#0000FF]Problem last trip...make the good days so much better.

Glad we could do it again and that everything worked well.

Yeah, let's get Labor Day behind us and some cooler water temps and then it's Starvy time.
[#0000FF]It may not have been Rocky you trolled by. He was staying pretty close to the dike most of the morning. Only came out to join Pa and I later.

But, there was another guy in a Prangler just like Rocky's...and I started out to talk to him...until I could see t'weren't Rocky. See pic.

Look forward to joining you in your new ride. And if you are masochistic enough to wanna put it in Utah Lake, I'm good widdat. About mid Sept. should be prime.
Whew! For a moment there I was afraid my mind had gone (further) because I never saw a cruise ship go by.

Belated and long distance wave, Bob!
By the way, I caught most of my KKKs (kookie kutter kitty) just off the rocks on one of TD's wobble jigs with a 3" Gulp Alive minnow. After TD gave me one of his new fligs, I caught two more on that, with half a worm as enticement.

The water was a surprisingly cool 74° much of the morning. I saw quite a few balls of shad on the sonar, and every one had at least one larger fish right next to it. Hard to entice them to chase something when all they have to do is open wide and slurp in shad.