Made it to the North Marina about 7:30 and trolled to the north dike for wipers without any bites. About 8:45 I left and went south of Pelican beach. Windy, some sprinkles, but the clouds sure felt good. Noticed a boil in the willows and headed for it. As I neared the boil, other boils started appearing everywhere in shallows and willows. I anchored in 8 feet and started casting a kastmaster. I started counting my casts between hookups and I could not make more than 5 cast without having a fish on. This was a constant bite. After 20 fish, I stopped counting. That was about 10:30. I lost several lures in the weeds, but they seemed to hit anything that looked like a shad. The boils lasted until 1:00 pm when the clouds left and the sun came out. I guess I am now up to about 35-40 wipers, all weighing between 3-5 lbs. After the clouds left at 1pm I only caught 6 more before heading home at 3:30pm. All the fish were in 4-10 feet of water and holding tight to the weeds. Shad Rap, Rapala, KastMaster, It didn't matter which as long as it was white or chrome. I could see the shad that they were knocking out of the water and they looked to be between 4-5 inches long.
I kept 2 of the large wipers for dinner. Got to love the cooler weather and the cloud cover.
Sounds like an awesome day!!
Burley I was out on the West dyke this morning before dawn. We limited out and also saw a boil about 30 -40 yards from shore. We really got into them and had a blast! They weren't much over 3 pounders but they really fought nicely. Had multiple times the mussels didn't have time to get to the bottom and the Wipers were slamming it. Agree you gotta love the cooler weather.
Hue, that sounds like lots of fun. I have fished three boils, over the years, and I have fond memories of them all. Haven't had the pleasure for a few years now.
You may want to consider going to Willard instead of the other places that you were thinking about. It sure was fun and boy do they put up a good fight.
Good to hear that others are getting into boils. I never have done any good with mussles the 2 times that I tried them. I am in the Red Tracker with a gray bimini top. Give me a honk and say Hi if our paths cross.
Saw you drive by us yesterday as you were heading toward the marina area. We were headed toward the Outlet area, in a tan Sylvan, saw no boils there, so we drifted with the wind the rest of the morning. Sounds like we should have followed you, nice going, good to hear the fish are starting to boil.
9/1/17 Went out this morning to the weeds. No boils or fish to be found. Saw boils out 1/4 mile from shore. Chased them down and ended up catching 7. Big boils all around me until the sun hit the water about 8:30. That's when the fish went down and the bite stopped dead. They sure don't like looking up at the bright sky apparently. Kept none.
I'm not familiar with the boats that our group has, so give a honk and a hello the next time you see me.
May give it another shot early Monday morning before the worst of the Labor Day crowd hits the water. I know I've seen your red Tracker out there. Didn't know it was you.
I'm in a 14ft red Lund with gray Bimini top, but don't always have the top up till later in the morning.
That sounds like two good days of fun!! After this weekend a lot of the power squadron will put their boat's away and leave some room for us fishermen. Unless the 90's choose to stick around until October lol.
I will keep an eye out for your Lund and WiperHunter's Sylvan next time I'm out. I'm beginning to think that the wipers are part Vampire and can be in the sun.[
] I do wonder where all the really big ones are. As long as they have been in Willard, there should be some well over 10 lbs. out there somewhere. Has anyone caught any that size?
This is my boat with side console.
Nice looking Tracker, looks new. Maybe I haven't seen that one. This is my TinCan little over 10 years old. That was at Soldier Creek for the Veterans Fishing Event in July
Maybe that was you we saw at the South marina but when you said you made it to the north marina around 7:30, I thought you meant you launched from the North marina.
Wasn't me. I launched from the North Marina.[fishon]
There is another red tracker that frequents the bay. I think that it has a walk-thru windshield and no bimini top, and it may be a 17.5 ft..
OK, I guess it was pretty close to the same boat as yours that we saw there, funny thing was that guy headed right toward the North marina are too[crazy]. Did you see another Red Tracker, where you were fishing?
No, I haven't seen it for a few weeks.