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This recipe for pickling is the same as for pickled onions and is slightly sweet. It is also used for pickling mussels and other seafood such as rock lobster, octopus, squid and crabs.


Sufficient fillets of fish or other seafood to meet requirements. Ensure that fish fillets are scaled and skinned and that there is no blood or viscera left on flesh.

750 ml cider or white vinegar
240 g sugar
30g peppercorns
12 cloves
1 teaspoon salt
30 g whole spice
1 level tspn ginger
1 lge onion chopped fine

Marinade mix
Combine all ingredients in a 2 litre plastic or glass bottle and top up with extra vinegar. Leave to stand for a few days stored in the bottom of the refrigerator before using. If used in small amounts, keep topping up with extra vinegar.

Fish or seafood
Place fillets and or seafood in shallow glass dish and cover with ‘matured’ vinegar. Cover dish and place in refrigerator for 6 hours - extra time will enhance flavour.