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Full Version: Don't forget
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I believe you are supposed to have one in your boat also, I do in case i get checked on the water.
You are correct MSM. I keep one in the pouch of all my registration and insurance papers in the dry box (that sometimes isn't so dry). Not to say it can't happen, but I have never been asked for it on the water. Been hailed a couple times by the DNR Ranger wanting to see my fishing lic, and to see if I had all the PFD I was required to have. But not asked for my mussel certificate. But you are right, supposed to have it on the boat also.
I do the same thing but I black out my address. Paranoid much? [Smile]

I agree with others that it would be nice to have a decal. ID, WY, ID boat inspection, CA, NV, etc. but we have a paper. You would think when registering a boat with a motor that you could get an invasive decal. There could be other ways for toons, tubes, yaks but who knows.
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