09-15-2017, 09:00 AM
Yes I braved the crowd and got out on Labor Day. Hit the water in the Skeeter about 7:15 am and made the run from HBSP to the Dam area. Don't mean that in a cursing way emoAngel but it was a big waste of time to go there except for the boat ride. No water moving and nothing happening that I could find. Went into Booker T slough and fished some wood but nothing, nothing on humps --- nothing
. Decided to head back to Harrison Bay becasue the plan was to meet Connie at the restaurant for lunch and then take her out. Fished the rip rap which is usually good for something but nothing, nothing - well did break one off (more on that later). Had a great lunch and went back out. I'm not happy cause I don't like having the skunk in the boat so I moved into a slough not far from the park and while Connie relaxed I fished a finesse worm around some blow downs. Caught two small fish on my first two casts --- Whoo Hooo emoParty emoParty finally got a fish in the boat. On the third cast I get another tap and set the hook - feels like a good fish and yes broke off again emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad . It was a very nice day, water clarity was good and the water temps middle 70's. Now about this breaking off stuff. I had been reading about and thinking about changing my shakey spinning rod to braid with a flouro leader. I put 35 lb braid on and then a 15 lb flouro leader. I used Berkley 100% flouro which has worked well for me when it is just all flouro on my reels. Anyway the last couple of trips I've broken off many fish since I went to the braid / flouro combo. I researched the recommended knots to join the two lines and I think I followed directions pretty well but it isn't working. I'll also post this question in another area here but if you fish a braid / flouro leader how do you join them? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I really like the increased sensitivity and the absolute no line stretch and the thought of being able to fish 15 lb flouro with my finesse spinning outfit instead of the 8 lb that I used would be great but all the breaking off of fish makes me want to pull the braid off and forget this experiment. emoBang