09-18-2017, 09:00 AM
I ain&#39;t in Kansas anymore. Well...maybe I should say, &quot;I ain&#39;t on the Chick anymore.&quot; emoAngel Spent Saturday and Sunday at the deer camp clearing out roads, filling deer feeders, working on food plots and shooting lanes. Built another deer stand up on the North end of our property and enjoyed seeing some of my old hunting buddies I have not seen in years. emoThumbsup Bow season starts here in AR on Sept. 23rd and they are all getting excited about hitting the woods.<br /><br />Got home last night and just could not stay in the house this morning. I am getting spoiled being able to just drop the boat in the water here with a push of a lever and go fishing. emoTongue Asked the wife what plans we had today and she said none, go fishing. You do not need to tell me twice. emoBig Hit the lake at 8:00 this morning and fished until noon. The Labor day crowd was already coming out and I had to dodge a couple ski boats. Hit some grass first and put three in the boat on a spook puppy and then the top water bite died. Went to the shakey and stayed with it the rest of my outing. Put six more in the boat all off of deep points where the deeper water came up close to land on the shady points. Most were right where the drop leveled off. Around 15 to 20 foot. They were hitting very light and I know I missed a couple others. Still had some fun getting to stretch a line and bend a pole. emoToast <br /><br />I can sure tell I am no longer on the Chick. Size here is just not even in the same country as the Chick. emoRedface You guys really need to be thankful for the kind of bass fishing you have there. Best one I had was a skinny four that was all head. Well, got to be thankful for what I got. It sure does not get any prettier then it is here. I can watch the sun rise on one side of my house and the sun set on the other. emoWorthy I&#39;ll add a couple of pictures. Here is my skinny four also for those who think it is not a good report without a picture. emoAngler Jmax<br /><br />The four, sun rise on lake Balboa at my home and sun set at my home on the other side.