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hit Mantua yesterday for a few hours. Was hopping to find a few perch from shore no luck there. The little slimy guys were biting. must of caught 10 of them ranging from 12 to 15 inches. started out fishing with a small jig and worm under a bobber . then seeing that only the trout wanted to play I switched to my fly rod with a small woolybugger on it. Fished on the east side in the trees around the first bend before the knoll. was a nice day and lots of fun bite slowed down around noon. might head up there again today.
Hey John,
Looks and sounds like a fun day... and just think they don't stick you... I know they aren't nearly as big though... thanks for a fun report and good luck if you return... J
thank you Jeff. I did make it back up there today. not as hot as it was yesterday but still was able to get a few. fished the same spot. then tried the northeast side where the creek runs into the lake. creek is low but found a few holes that held fish all rainbows all small was hopping to find a few cuts. caught some baby ones there earlier this fall.
Man I'm so jealous... I really wish I was retired sometimes... I'd love to get out there and try to freeze myself to death... as long as the fish were biting anyway... Thanks for a great update... You going to take Pat up for a slimer trip? Maybe he won't touch those silver rockets... Thanks for the report... J
Sounds like you had a couple good mornings there....I sure enjoyed Mantua last season thru the ice, but don't have much experience there on the soft water....for me, chasing the 'gils and perch on ice is most fun, but when they aren't cooperating, it's still fun pulling out a silver bullet now and then (ya, I know they're slimy, but all fish are)....Maybe I'll see you out on the ice....guluk....
Great job! I'm waiting for that ice before I get out. Might be a few weeks at this rate haha