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Full Version: 24 lbs Mac on a 20 inch lure!
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i think it might have been the last trip to fish lake in the boat this year! had to brake 1/2 of ice to get the boat on.. broke tail light and bent the fish finder transducer mount to.. so not doing that again.. once out the lake was calm and not to bad. the biggest problem we had all day was keeping the crappy weeds off the line!!! wow how many fish we might have caught if there was not so much flotsam all over the lake oh well that fish lake foe ya.. well it was slow day for us only one big Lake Trout today and 2 small rainbows. the lake trout was caught on the biggest tommy knocker i have made ever.. was a wopping 20 inch long and close to 2 inch round at the head i call it Goliath. due to the fact that i made it in one day there were problems with the paint job by the end of the day but held up GE (good enough) to catch a nice fish tho.. now i need to make some more, im sure they will work just as good next spring as they did this year.. lol
Always love reading your posts Ron. I would be pretty excited about catching that mac, but you made it sound like no big deal, although I know you've caught a bunch like that. That's quite the lure, and looks nice too. You're a real trooper to get through a day like you had.
oh dont get me wrong my friend i get excited catching perch so when ya see that pole with a big lure on like that bend over and start bobbing you know it's got to be something big to even think about it so the excitement level was very high.[cool]. even tho a big clump of weed would do it to.. [sly] lol
Nice! I'll have to try my AC Plugs next time I'm out there.
Congrats on a great fish. I have only caught a fish not even half that size in my dreams. Some day I will get lucky enough to hook into a dbl digit laker.

Curious as to what depth you were fishing when that brute hit your lure?
Were you on your down riggers or were you long lining and in the upper portion of the column?

i'm not sure the exact depth.. but is only as deep as it can dive down on it's own. i was fishing 140 feet behind the boat with nothing but the lure on.. we have had birds dive down and grab them from the water while we were trolling so i'm thinking they are only going down about 4 to 6 feet maybe 10 at top's.. [sly]
Wow, pretty shallow then.

Thanks for the tip. I'll have to try that next time we head down there.
Nice Job Ron!
well we keep the big baits up high in the water we do run the down riggers to. and have caught fish on a 6 inch trout minnow i paint up now and then. most the time it's a rainbow or splake, but every now and then we have hit a lake'er. a 26 lb, a 22, and 4 or so that were low teens, so well worth putting them down as well.. we really dont fish more then 40 feet inless wee see kokanee deeper.. [sly]

here is a pic of the trout and a kokanee i paint up..