Maybe a little too heavy for CC (that’s what Shield’s are for anyways) but I’ll use it at work. Rock Island Tac II Ultra CS. 100 rounds through the pipe without a hiccup. Nice little 1911
Very nice looking weapon. Merry Christmas to you. After reading your profile, I guess that 5-0 means that you are in law enforcement and are used to carrying a heavier weapon than most civilians would want to. As my CCW class instructor told us "a concealed weapon is good only if it is light enough that you will carry it and not leave it at home because it is too heavy". Wise words I thought. I'm sure that many are able to adjust to the weight without much effort. I personally find myself leaving the full frame semi-autos at home and grabbing a lighter revolver(Ruger LCR 38 sp+). I might be persuaded to carry a compact semi if I had one (maybe in future), but I have never even fired one.
Enjoy your beautiful gun.
I have found that the M&P Shield line are about the perfect CC weapon’s for me, I have both the 9 and .45 but mostly carry the .45, I also carry a little .380 get off me fun in a pocket.
Looks like they designed that safety to catch on things and release accidentally.
Kind of a strange choice to carry a small .45 openly, IMHO. I'd leave the best .380 and .45 for one good 9mm. In the end it would be simpler and about the same sum of firepower.
Personally I think law enforcement should take another look at the 10mm and stop playing around with toys.