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Full Version: Another Grandkid Fishing Day
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We braved the cold and got rewarded with some nice pan-sized rainbows.

I took my five year old grand daughter and nine year old grandson out for the last time this year.

Overall they caught seven fish and released three.

We kept four and had delicious fish tacos for dinner.

I got skunked, but we came home with just the right amount of fish for a meal, and had a great time doing it. Can't put a price on that.

[inline GkidsFish.jpg]
Where did you take those cute grandkids, brave the cold and catch those rainbows.
That's awesome. Great job getting them out. Mind sharing your fish taco recipe? Never seen it done with trout.
[quote 03_to_5-0]That's awesome. Great job getting them out. Mind sharing your fish taco recipe? Never seen it done with trout.[/quote]

Actually I never ate fish tacos before yesterday so there isn't a real recipe. I fried up filleted trout, chunked up the meat and put it in fried corn tortillas with shredded cheese and taco sauce. Topped it with chopped tomatoes.
If it was good, you now have a recipe!