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Full Version: UPDATE: Scofield State Park Ice Fishing Event Dec 30th.
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We are ready for the tournament tomorrow.

Weather forecast looks beautiful and we have plenty of ice. Please read the follow information if you plan to attend. Fishing is from 7 to noon so if you want to register morning of come over to the madsen bay ramp to get checked in early.

Quick note that this is an individual event. No team submissions. The river is also OFF LIMITS. Do not try to submit chubs from the river into the tournament !!


Ice Fishing Event Reminder.

Scofield State Park will be hosting the annual ice fishing event and breakfast on December 30th, 2017.

Fishing is tomorrow from 7 to 12:00 Prizes will be given out at 12:30.

Three prizes will be given for the most "Utah Chub" caught and brought to the Ranger Tent in the Madsen Bay boat parking lot.

We will also do a raffle for prizes drawn from registration names.

Garbage sacks are available at the ranger weigh in tent for carrying chubs. All day breakfast will be cooked and provided by park staff. This breakfast is FREE as part of your registration fee.

Check-In: Not required as all participants have pre-registered.

Park Rangers will be available for any assistance Saturday morning NO EARLIER THAN 6:00AM – 7:00AM at the Madsen Bay boat ramp parking lot.


• All rules of the 2016-2017 fishing proclamation will be followed. You must have a valid Utah fishing license.
• Courtesy, sportsmanship, and conservation must be displayed at all times.
• The event starts at 7:00AM and ends @ 12:00 PM. Prizes for most chubs will be given away at 12:30 PM.

• No anglers will be allowed to enter fish before 7:00AM or after 12:00PM.
• The event will be started with a sound producing device.
• Utah Chub can be checked anytime during the event hours.
• Any cheating or violation of rules will result in disqualification.
• Properly registered OHV’s and snowmobiles are allowed.
You did not mention it but for those that are interested, there is a $10 fee.
You are correct. $10 for the tournament.

This fee includes the park entrance fee so it's really just $3 more than a regular entrance fee.

And you get a free breakfast, so it's almost free.[cool]
[quote scofieldfish]You are correct. $10 for the tournament.

This fee includes the park entrance fee so it's really just $3 more than a regular entrance fee.


Plus you get a free breakfast.[Smile]

Can't beat that.[Wink]
Are you going to post the results of the tournament ? We were there but did not enter the tournament . 2 of us got 18 in 4 hours All cuts 15/16 inches . Fished the west side . Good day . NO CHUBS. ??..
What a difference 1 yr makes, late year it was a chub fest.
Seems that the chubs were in the north bay by the State Park. We caught 16 chubs and 3 cutts. First time fishing that area for me. Probably the last time as well... we generally fish in the West end the dam arm, North of the island and places in-between.
Was there any problems with slush?


We went Saturday from 7am-3pm, about 15cutts, 2bows 6-8” of ice everywhere, we fished from 5’-28’ looking for chubs! Nothing but trout. No slush ice was solid wish I took my wheeler to go to the island maybe next time
I know some are saying the reason for the lack of chubs is because of the high water but it still seems strange that more are not showing up in areas other than the North bay.

Other Members-
Were there any other members catching chubs at this event, that just haven't posted about it yet?
A friend and I entered the contest and only come up with 2 chubs. We caught 45+ trout. The chubs we caught were full of eggs. All the chubs I seen were adult chubs, no small ones. Which is a good sign that the small ones haven't survived. It will take some time to tell if the new fish stocked are making a dent in things. In all the tournament was fun and the event holders did a great job. The food was great too. The cook worked his butt off to feed us all. Thanks guys.
Well that's good to hear, the fish they stocked are eating machines, so it won't take them long to mop up the young of the year chubs. IMO, Scofield will turn around and be a great fishery faster than most thought possible but I guess we will need to wait and see. Did you hear how many chubs it took the win the contest this year?
I could be wrong, but I thought 13 took first, 10 took second, and 7 took third. Big difference from last years contest.
Wow, that is a huge difference. You would think that someone would have caught more than that, if there were a lot still around. That's great news.
The winning number was 12, 10 for second place and 7 for 3rd place. I caught 7 or 8, but I did not enter the contest. We entered my granddaughter who caught 5 and ended up in 5th place. My Wife caught 2 and my son caught a couple. They came in in schools beginning about 10:30. We started fishing about 8:30 or 9 when we arrived and quit to take the chubs up to the check in about 11: 45. They were just starting to bite good when it ended at our location.