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List your 2018 fishing goals.
Catch largemouth over 7 lbs
Catch smallmouth over 5 lbs
Catch bass today
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Fish more; fish more often![/#][/font]

1) Catch a tiger muskie better than my current personal best of 46"
I beat my best total number of muskies in one year at 32, with 34 fish in 2017
(with a little better than 38" average), so now I just need to find that jumbo!

2) Fish for wipers this year: I haven't fished them in ages mostly because the boils at
Willard have been largely non-existant.

Fred K.
I made today’s goal
Congrats! Open water largies in winter can be tough.
Goal is to have my son in law's 87 year old father to catch a nice sturgeon on spring time trip with him and son in law.
I got a backpack for Christmas last Christmas and didn't use it once this summer.[bobSad]

My goal is to do some backpacking up into the Uintas and down on Boulder this summer. Of course, to do some fishing.
Combine off-roading with camping and fishing at Utah State Parks (got annual pass). This will include more ice fishing. I have my surf fishing equipment and sand tires and will be planning a surf fishing vacation.
Between March 1 and September 31, go at least once a month. Twice a month would be better. Willard, East Canyon, and try a new spot! Jordanelle, maybe?
Once a week at community ponds would be nifty, too!

Eh, I'm not even going to try making a catching goal. Just getting out and being active is the main purpose this year.
I want to get my Dad out with me twice this year at least, hope to learn how to do a little better and be more successful on those days when they don't wanna bite... Hope to keep the skunk away as long as possible... That ought to cover it... J