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Full Version: Echo 1/26
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Fished Echo today about 100 yards South, West of the ramp. The edges were solid and the ice was about 7 inches. Tried for perch for a bit with no luck although a group fairly close to me was having luck fishing off the bottom with small jigs. I did manage 3 rainbows using white paddle bugs tipped with wax worms. The trout were caught around 10 ft under the ice.
We were out today also. Looked long and hard for perch and found a few very deep in the middle of the lake basically. Can't tell exactly how deep because I forgot the sonar---aaarrrghhh--eyes and bee moths worked for us. Trout were biting well.

Did anyone else happen to see the two walleye carcasses someone deposited in the ditch near the ramp gates in the last few days? Nice size, filleted, super clean carcasses. I guess there really are walleye in there and big ones at that.

On another note, did anyone happen to find a camo SOX ball cap out from the ramp near the bouys in the last day or two? I believe I may have lost it Wednesday. It is very special to me as my Dad gave it to me right before he died. I'd really like to get it back and can offer a reward. Thanks!