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Full Version: Fish Lake 2/11
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Hit Fish Lake today and had pretty steady action all day. Fished South of the Lodge a ways and the ice was around 10". Everything South of the Lodge looked good and everything North looked pretty sketchy. It appears the open water on the North end froze but it was hard to tell if it was glare ice or water. Either way, I didn't see anyone fishing up there.

I fished a variety of depths and caught fish everywhere. Lots of perch, small splake, small rainbows, even a tiger at 15-20'. Found a few bigger splake a little deeper along with some bigger rainbows 10' under the ice. 6 degrees when I got there and 32 when I left.

Can someone confirm the first pic is a splake? I think it is but the tail is more forked like a lake trout and the color was lighter.
Yup, looks like a splake to me. A Mac's fork should nearly touch the tail's flesh. That first pic is not deep enough. Also, its got the splake spots too.
Thanks for the report. Was there any size to the perch?
A couple 8", most were 6-7".
Cool, thanks!