02-12-2018, 10:00 AM
Another day on the water without a fish in the boat. Fished from 20' to the bank without a hook up. Water was in the upper 40's most places and very dirty. Threw everything at them I could think of but only managed 2 slaps at a sb with a trailer hook without a hook up, a tail slap on a trap, a brim running off with a shakey head worm, and one solid hit on an A-rig that bit my swimbait in half just behind the hook. I did mark fish and bait in the 15-20 range all in the mouths of cuts. Checked main lake ledges and flats across from CFP and HBSP with no signs of life so I didn't even make a cast. Looks like I'll be going into CFF #1 flying by the seat of my pants cause I have only managed 2 slicks since the start of the year. I know winter can be tuff and this one more so due to the nasty cold weather but you think you'd get lucky enough to hit a 3lber in the head every once in a while. If anyone out there is having any luck please post it. Not asking for any info would just like to know if anyone is actually catching anything right now.