I'm new to Ice fishing but wanting to head to Strawberry this weekend around Haw's Point. We will be on foot. I've read on forums that there are pressure ridges around. Being a newbie what do I look out for and how do I avoid them or cross them? Looks like we might get some fresh snow over the next couple of days and I don't want to take a swim if they are covered. Does anyone have a picture of pressure ridges at strawberry?
Be a fare walk to Haws point.
Did that 25 years ago with 5 year old daughter and about 6" of fresh snow. Walked from main marina. Towed her most of the way on the sled. Coarse I used to fish far side of Fish Lake due to the crowds too.
No way I could do that anymore. Perhaps she will tow me now when there is snow.
Checked out Strawberry today . Big pressure ridge at Chicken Creek West ! Use at your own risk !! Don't walk over pressure ridges .
Thanks guys. I won't be walking over any pressure ridges. Looks like they'll be easy to spot.
Some ridges are not that noticeable. Years ago fishing chicken creek we crossed one on a atv. Crossing it in the morning was ok, crossing later was not good. It had opened up and swallowed the rear wheels. It took 4 of us to lift it out. Kinda spooky.
wanting to take my dad up there this Saturday. Is there still safe ice in places? I usually go towards Chicken creek area? Is there somewhere safe® or is that as good as anywhere? last I heard it was still over a foot thick?
Spent the night at the marina last night. Was 0-1"of snow on top then snowed another 3-4" overnight. Wheelers still went OK everywhere but it is drifting. No slush when we left at dark still. 11-12" solid ice everywhere we drilled, Marina, Hawes, Narrows, Chicken Creek. Big Ridge around outside of Chicken Creek we didn't Cross but you could hit all the way out between the Islands without crossing it. There was some open water between the little Island and point at Chicken Creek last week so avoid that. Fishing was much slower this week than last. Had some 25 fish days last week. Best was 11 this week. Think the bad weather really slowed the bite down.