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Full Version: New Utah Lake Survey
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We would greatly appreciate your help by taking this 1-2 minute survey. We are looking for input from recreation users at the lake on what types of activities they do and what information would help them.

The Utah Lake Commission is putting together a new webpage to help lake users enjoy their experience at the lake, this survey will help shape the content included on that page.

[#0000FF]Got this today from the Utah Lake Commission.[/#0000FF]
Thanks Pat. Didnt take long to answer, I encourage those that use U. L. to have a look.
TD I hope it helps I did the survey! I’ve grown to love the love Utah Lake
Done. Thanks for the link.
What if you are younger than 18?
Get a fake ID[bobWink]
[quote thefishinguy]What if you are younger than 18?[/quote]

[#0000FF]No problem here. But they didn't have a blank to fill in for "How far over 50?"

And the question of gender: Male, Female or Other? Does senior citizen qualify as other? If no sex is involved?
I took it