Fishing Forum

Full Version: Labman, Chic, NEW PB ! LM Bass, 02/23/2018, none
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1st fish of the morning. (late start) 10.5#, have pics but can't downsize them.. Was working a mid bay gravel/rock point and letting a large swimbait go to the bottom in about 4' of water and just slow reeling and letting it bounce off the rocks towards deeper water. She was a jumper (3 times) but had a good hookup. FUN STUFF.<br /><br />Took a couple of pictures and gently released her. Since my previous 3 trips were total skunks I gues I was due some good luck. Parking lot at CFP was almost full, 2 open spots. The ramp was blocked with 3 boat/vehicles, 1 had backed tlr in too far and was off the end of the ramp. the middle rig let his boat get sideway totally across the ramp and the left side guy was doing all his rigging on the ramp. <br /><br /><br /><br /> emoGeezer must have been first day out for many people. Looked like Memorial Day.<br /><br />Regards, Norman