Went to willard today. Mostly to break in the new motors. We did fish or a hour or so with no luck. What other waters are open. Day off is Tuesday and it is looking like great weather!
Most all waters that are not in the mountains are all ice off.
Utah lake is open. Was there today
The Bear is open too. I have an invite there on Tuesday but can't make it. Stormy weather after that for a few days with at least one day of high winds.
[quote Bduck]The Bear is open too. I have an invite there on Tuesday but can't make it. Stormy weather after that for a few days with at least one day of high winds.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]High winds? At Bear Lake? Who'd a thunk it. [cool][/#][/font]
Some places are weird, like Hyrum and Mantua still have ice islands floating around... Expect that should clear soon with the higher temps, but I wondered about trying Hyrum Saturday and decided against it after watching the dam cam and seeing ice bergs floating... Won't be long now though... Later J
Wife drove by Hyrum and mostly open with a boat on it. Looks like that's is where I am going tomorrow.
Powell is open water.

Good luck, it should be pretty good after a limited ice season they should be rested and ready to bite. Good luck and let us know how you do. Later J
Hyrum and Mantua are now ice free
I did some driving around yesterday to find a place to shore fish at some of the reservoirs close to me. Stopped by Echo first and it was still covered in slush, with not even enough open water to fish the shoreline. There was a big area of open water out in the middle of the lake but that was it. The gate to the boat ramp is closed and has a big chain and pad lock on it. Not sure when they'll open this place up. I decided to go check out Rockport and it too was still covered in slush with no place to shore fish. Lastly I decided to drive down to Jordanelle since I knew it had open water. When I got to the main boat ramp area I noticed Adam Eakle's truck and the truck of a local kokanee fishing team. I guess we'll see this episode of Adam Eakle fishing Jordanelle in the near future. I decided to drive around the lake and check out the east arm where the provo comes in since that's where I have shore fished in the past. The arm was frozen from the pwc ramp to about a 1/2 mile out to the west. So if you want to float tube at jordanelle go off the pwc ramp on the south side of the main marina area. I hope this helps someone out. Best of luck out there
We decided to wait til my boy got home from school. We live in Brigham so we hit Mantua. The fishing was fairly good for 10-12 inch bows. We caught around 12 in a hour. Mostly just trying to break in the new boat and motor. We were trolling crainkbaits aroun 2-2.5mph