Fishing Forum

Full Version: Governor Otter Let's Tresspass Bill Become Law
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Ok, so I know this isn't exactly a fishing report, but, it ultimately is fishing related and can/will have an impact on fishing and other recreation related activities in the State. I know on another thread on here, it was encouraged to contact your legislators to vote down the proposed Trespass Law. Well that didn't work. And then encouraged to contact the Governor to veto the bill, well that didn't work either to a certain aspect. Our Governor, what a chicken **** he is. Instead of vetoing the bill to which he gives a myriad of excuses and reasoning as to why the bill shouldn't become law, he just let's it become law on its on with out signing it.

Let me give my opinion as to why I actually think he did it this way. His lieutenant Governor (I guess ours too), is running for Governor as we know, and if he had vetoed the bill out right, it would have had a devastating affect on Mr. Little's chances to become governor because of so many and so much pressure from Pact groups and private land advocates such as the Idaho Farm Bureau and the Wilkes Brothers group, that they couldn't stand it. Instead, Governor Otter chose to thumb his nose at the proud and strong Law Enforcement officers of Idaho and the proud and strong Recreationist in Idaho and those who bring millions of dollars into this state yearly. All of this to give Mr. Little a greater chance to become Otters replacement with like thoughts and actions. And by the way, look at how much land Mr. Little and family actually own. It is a ton of land and this bill/law protects the Little family too instead of protecting those who inicently trespass on lands where proper posting of the land is not done.

Now, we as recreationist, will stand the test of time and there will be many who will be charged and face time in court and could be financially ruined due to how this bill is structured. And if you win against the private land owner coalitions, good luck getting your money back like the private land owners will automatically get their money and attorney fees paid by trespassers.

I guess in many ways, this bill/law goes to show how little concern Idaho's legislators really care about what Idaho has to offer recreation wise and the money it brings into this state. It goes more to out of state private land owners only looking at the money they can put into their pockets during a campaign year.

Ok, so now I am off my soap box, but, some how or other we need to get this bill/law reversed or modified next year. And, because this law benefits Mr. Little running for Governor, stand up and vote against him and raise this issue to him and get his stance. I have posted this up on his Facebook page to answer what his stance is and no one from his group will give an answer.

Good luck and let's go fishing and blow some steam off. Just be careful where you are going this year, we want to see everyone back and not end up in Jail due to this insidious law.
I hope Otter and the other lawmakers who allowed this bill to become law enjoy their 30 pieces of silver...
Yeah, if you like Otter, you are going to love little. A disaster waiting to happen for those of us who don't own thousands of acres AND lease more from the fed for pennies on the dollar of its true value. I hope I won't be around to see this, but watch and see. little will make a run at the state taking over federal lands under the guise of better management. Then, at the first state budget "crisis" (real or otherwise), those lands will be sold off. Not to the highest bidder, but to those of little's ilk who are already feeding off the trough. You think it is tough to find places to hunt and fish now, wait for it.

Sorry, I won't do this again, but you pushed the wrong button this morning. Definitely will need to spend some time on the water this week to unwind...