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Full Version: Sandy river 2/8 beautiful day
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I took advantage of the great weather we have finally had around here and spent some time on the sandy river while kinzie was in school. I wasnt prepared and to broke for new gear so went with what i had . I Started out jig fishing undera floater for steelies only had 2 floaters though and dint take me long to loose em luck was a bit down but i was so happy to be out there after that i cast spinners with no luck but again it was so beautiful i was loveing it. A guy fishing the same hole as i had a slinky wieght and eggs and caught one of the biggest steelhead ive ever saw it was a native and he let it go but wow what a nice fish. It was so nice outside i just couldnt go home so after picking up kinzie we took a drive up the old columbia river hiway saw the scenery took some picks and a long walk on the railroad tracks looking for thrown railroad spikes that i use for wieght while plunking on the columbia or willamette for salmon and steelhead and wow winter must have helped shake them loose cause ive never been able to walk along and have them thrown out everywhere i must have picked up 30 of them.Kinzie and i had a picnic dinner sitting on waukina pond and realy enjoyed being out for the first time in along time here is a pic of just how gorgeous it was..... [Image: bftaltkin.jpg]
[size 1]great story, I see kinzie has been doing her part, looks like she is being a little bean sprout.[Smile][/size]

[size 1]I hear ya, we have had cold and rain and snow good and bad days fish on and fish offs and snags on the botttom of the lake that start running.[/size]

[size 1]good and bad, it is great just to be out side to enjoy the buttie of the land.[/size]

[size 1]hope you have better luck on your next trip...[cool] if that is posible. sounds like you had the luckiest day of all.[/size]