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First chance I had to actually get out to the water somewhere with the hope of catching fish. The catfish contest posts decided me on a trip up the road to Bear River. River level is pretty high already but I would bet it's still cold. My plan was to spend about an hour at several different spots along the river, more if I was catching anything. Got to the bottom of the Bird Refuge at the bridges about 9 a.m. Saturday, several folks on the north side of the river, so I parked on the south side under the shadow of the new observation tower. Using worms, shrimp and blood bait (cuz I don't have any Carp meat yet [Sad] had a few very light tugs and one very young kitty with a good lip hook, CPR. Moved on to spot #2, big zero there. Spot #3, boat ramp and parking area. Spent just about an hour there, no luck. Was just packing to hit next spot and Ahi1953 pulled in. Shot the breeze with John awhile and moved on. 4th and what turned out to be last spot for Saturday. Was just set up and a gentleman (turned out to be hogstalker) walked up behind me and we talked awhile. Sun broke out from behind the clouds for awhile, and I hooked up my last 2 worms. Was no joy for almost an hour, pulled in one line and stowed it. Noticed a Tracker coming down river heading to the ramp, so started pulling in my second line, and surprise, another small kitty. Hook all the way thru it's bottom lip, and then looped over the line. Didn't get a photo of that one. Packed up, called it a day. Better first day than last years first day so went home happy. [laugh]
Wife wanted to go out today. We got to the river a bit later than normal, and fished a couple spots same as the ones I had tried yesterday. Nice sunny day, a bit breezy, and no takers for what were were offering. But an enjoyable weekend outdoors. Hope all had a Happy and Blessed Easter.[Smile] [fishon]
Was nice to get to talk with you TC. was a long day for me caught the one little guy just before I ran into you then manage to find a good one around 3pm 29.5 inch 11lb. . After the family Easter BBQ. I tried again. Ended up pulling an all nighter. got there about 7pm stayed until 5:30am . just got in still haven't gone to bed wanted to check the post first. anyway only had one taker at about 11pm but he pulled off as I was reeling him in. I bet They could hear me scream NO!!!!!!! all the way to Brigham. Might have beem the 30+ I'm looking for.
Thats a nice cat there. You've done MUCH better than I have for kitties so far this year. Just nibbles & no takers. Might have to try an all nighter myself this week.

I didn't hear anyone screaming "Nooooo!" last night, but I did feel a strong disturbance in the force. Had to have been you AHI [Wink]
John, that is one HOG of a Catfish. [shocked] I did catch one more small kitty after I saw you, on my last worm as I was quitting for the day. Couldn't find the photo I took, and it sure wasn't anything worth contest posting big or small. Then remembered I had sent the wife a photo before I left the river. I guess some late afternoon I'm gonna have to get my skeeter net out of storage, my battery powered lantern, and my head lamp, and go park on the river somewhere. Been lots of years since I night fished for Cats and that was back in Georgia.
You done good, John.