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Full Version: otter creek april fools
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We got on the lake about 915. They don't have the boat docks in the water yet shoo had to pull up on the beach and make a few fisherman mad but what else to do. We tried over by the dam where we've had good luck in the past and fished for about an hour with nothing. Devised yup go down towards the North end where my dad has had luck but I've never had any and for 45 minutes nothing. Then within 10 minutes we landed 3 bows. Thank goodness 2 puff the kids did because they were getting restless by now. Another half hour went by and nothing Then caught one got it I the live well threw out and 2 minutes later had another one on and asset the same time my son did as well. This made 6 bows and that satisfied my kids they were done. It was a decent day. The wind didn't blow any harder than 3 mph. We were using chartreuse power bait and worms tipped with a salmon egg.
Looks like some nice healthy fish, how long was that big one? Thanks for the report and pics.
[#0000FF]Nice work. Looks like a good day with the younguns.
The big one was about 19" and the one just smaller was about17.5". Good healthy fish. It was a fun day.
Pat, my buddy that you met is scared of getting boats but once he gets on loves them as much as any kid you’ve seen. He could probably be heard from every shore screaming in joy as we raced from spot to spot. It was a great day over all.
[#0000FF]That's what it is all about. Good on ya.

I am always a bit Saddened when I see youngsters with adults who keep yelling at them and making their trip an ordeal rather than an enriching experience. I raised some fishing kids and my personal rule was always to make the trip about them...when they were fishing with me. My kids are all adults now, but they still talk about our fishing trips whenever we get together.
Where the banks by the ramp full of fly fisherman?
No they weren’t. There wasn’t a lot of people at all fishing from the shore near where the docks go.. on the north side of the dam and along the northern edges of the lake is where most shore fishers were at.
How are the fish parasite wise? We were there a month ago and they weren't too bad at that time, but in years past it seems as the water warms the parasites get worse and worse.
These fish were as clean and pretty as could. They were almost picture perfect. In years past closer to summer as the water warms some will develop black dots. Is that what causes the dots, is the parasites?