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Has anyone ever hit the Smiths Fork in Cokeville, WY? I have a friend with a ranch up that way and an invite to come up and fish the river. I don't know anything about it so thought I'd ask if anyone here has any experience or knowledge of it.
I don’t sorry but would love to hear how your trip goes.
Some really good water with some big fish in the lower/private ranches, up higher in the public access the river gets more of a freestone with lots of smaller fish, but if you have private access you should kill it. Have fun.
I'd definitely accept that invitation! I've fished it up higher and as mentioned, it's mostly smaller fish--some to 16 inches or so. I also find that cutthroats get very inactive when the water is cold, so it's important to pick the times. I've done best in late summer and September, but I haven't fished it enough to much insight.
Towards late June/early July when the water begins to drop and clear, migratory cutthroat to 5 lbs + can be found in the lower stretches through private property. Pay attention to the flows, as the window closes quickly when the water drops to low summer flows. The big migratory fish head back down to the main stem and roam the drainage when this happens (some get diverted out into farm crops as well, so staying above diversions can pay off). Streamers for the big boys, dries for fun. Definitely take your friend up on their offer to fish. I've had this opportunity, and their are some surprises for sure.
[quote rgreenland]Has anyone ever hit the Smiths Fork in Cokeville, WY? I have a friend with a ranch up that way and an invite to come up and fish the river. I don't know anything about it so thought I'd ask if anyone here has any experience or knowledge of it.

yes. before I left UT i fished it often'ish. Had a buddy whos folks owned some land up that way. Its a fun little creek. There is potential in it too for some larger trout. Typical small water flies work, don't really need anything fancy. Don't walk up all willy nilly to the water. Take your time and target your casts. During the summer I would dry fish it exclusively. Have fun.
I think everyone on here has fished it [Wink]. Typically run off comes down enough to fish it late June but it’ll probably be about the Fourth of July this year. I like to hit it as soon as it’s fishable as that’s when you typically have the bigger Cutthroat acting aggressive around the spawn up there. Streamers work but I find a size 8 or 10 tungsten bh Prince very effective as well. As the water comes down a bit / midJuly stimulators are very effective. As the water comes down a bit more the typical dries work well. I like humpies, royal wulff and caddis in that order. If you have time, lots of great rivers nearby that many thankfully overlook heading for Yellowstone NP. The Bonneville Cutthroats are fine but I find the Snake River Cutthroat just north of there to be much harder fighting fish.
Did you ever make it? The southern drainage of the tri basin divide came down a lot quicker than northern side. It’s now or never if you want a descent chance of the big Cutts in there. Probably a few weeks until the Grays is fishable though.
Actually headed up the 9-10th. It was the soonest I could break away. Looking forward to it!
Good Luck. Be sure to bring stimulators, humpies and some big nymphs. Maybe some big foam patterns as well. Try the Grays at that time if you have a chance. Try about 40 miles up from Alpine (20 miles down from the tribasin divide) as there might be some big Cutts in there still before they head back to bigger water below.
Finally made it up....what a blast! First 3 casts = 3 fish. All decent Cutts. Spent a full day - fish after fish after fish. Caught all Cutts + one Whitefish.