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Full Version: Willard north walk-in
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I haven’t been to Willard in awhile, but was wondering if it is still possible to park on the northend and walk in on the dike? You used to be able to pay a walk in fee and park just off the freeway ramp, but now it look like their are no parking signs everywhere unless you go a block or two north down the frontage road. Still possible? Where to park?
not that I know of milenine. I used to park down next to the outlet and walk up but they have also closed that road.
[#0000ff]The access gate and that road have been closed for a couple of years. The reason I heard was that there had been increasing incidence of burglary and vandalism at the park headquarters facilities.

However, if you have a park pass...or pay the full day use can go in the campground and drive around to the back NW corner and park there. Just be sure you park in a non-camping area or they will ding you for an extra camping fee. Only a short walk up onto the dike from there.

EDIT: See attached map
Thanks! That is even better.
Thanks Pat . I didnt know they had day use parking back in there.
[#0000FF]They change camp hosts from time to time, and you can get hassled by them if they don't know the regs. I have had a couple of run-ins with them. I used to launch off shore there and always looked for pulloff parking away from a designated camping area. But I still had one host who wanted to charge me a camping the middle of the the middle of the week...when there was nobody else in the whole campground. We had to call in one of the rangers to settle it. I won.

When water levels are high enough there are several spots you can launch a tube. That cuts down on the travel from the ramp. But after some low water you might have to battle the brush.

[inline "21 INCH 4 POUNDS.JPG"]

Wow, how old is that pic you used for your map, that camp ground looks totally different now and that W250 or W750 road(hard to tell for sure) is no longer there but I can get your point from it and that is all that matters. No matter how old the pic you make the best pictorials of anyone on this site. I totally agree with you about parking in the location, you have marked there and the last time I was there there was a spot there that still looks like to could launch a small craft at.
[#0000FF]Glad you like my maps. Not sure how old the one was I used in the previous example. Here is one from the current Google Earth image.
So for sure you can't get to this parking lot anymore? See attached.
I was there last May, but sounds like they closed it between now and then.
I circled the parking lot that Pat was talking about, see attachment.
Pretty sure this is a different access point than what TD and Wiper are talking about....I was at your point also last year, gives you access to top of that North dike, all rocky down to the water, so maybe not a good launch point...but as far as I know, this is still accessible....
Thanks guys
I tried to get there a while ago . they blocked it with dirt.
Dang that's what I was afraid of. Thanks for clarifying