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Full Version: DWR Wiper Seminar 4-26-18
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[#0000FF]DWR has posted a notice on their website [url ""]LINK[/url] about an upcoming seminar on wiper fishing.

The seminar is free but they want you to register online. You will also be able to watch it live...or see the YouTube video anytime thereafter.
Thanks for the heads up. I enjoyed watching YouTube video on Kokanee and would like to watch the wiper as both are fish I haven’t fished for. Is the seminar just on DWR website?
"If you can't attend the event, you can [url ""]watch it live on YouTube[/url]. You can also watch it anytime after the event and watch the seminar whenever you like."

[#0000FF]...from the DWR website notice.[/#0000FF]
tks linked, got registered, got Wipers....well, not yet......hope to see you there.....
[#0000FF]Planning on it.
A little off topic, but are they going to hold the Walleye Seminar this year?
[#0000FF]No word on them having a new walleye seminar. However, the previous one is available on [url ""]YouTube [/url]
(link). That was held in March, 2016.