Fishing Forum

Full Version: ChooChooSnakeMan, CFF #5 Chickamauga, Bass, 4/21/18, 21XD
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It was really good to finally fish another CFF event. Great to see everyone and I really enjoyed my first fishing trip with Brent (21XD). The weather was great except for the cold at blastoff. We knew going in that we hadn't pre-fished, that a cold front and falling water would be a factor. We made our longest run first going north of the nuke plant to look for spawners. Pretty early Brent hooks into a big fish shallow and I think luck is going to Smile on us emoAngel Well no it turned out to be a Tennessee Redfish (drum) that probably went 10 to 12 lbs. We stayed in that area and fished it throughly with only two small males caught. We then moved to a main lake area off a flat that we thought might hold some staging fish but not even a bite. Next we tried some rock and same story - nothing. We moved to a slough that I've had sucess in the spring on laydowns and stumps and we did manage a couple of small males again. We finally moved to a deeper bank thinking the dropping water and front may have pulled them deeper. Brent managed to hook a small male off of a bed but no keepers. I think we put 6 small bass and the "redfish" in the boat. Beautiful day but frustrating. We saw a lot of beds with no fish in sight. We finished the day thinking the majority of fish had spawned but most of the talk at the ramp was that the majority haven't. I hope the best fishing is still to come. Really good to see everyone and congrats to everyone who managed even one keeper, you did better than us emoBang and thanks to Brent for letting me hold down the back of his awesome Bullet, it is a sweet ride emoParty