04-27-2018, 04:34 AM
Had the opportunity to burn a vacation day today. Went to Willow park to let the youngest daughter harass some fish, and hoped to get the grandson into his first fish ever. It must have been stocked in the last day or two, as the trout were splashing around almost as much as the ducks. They were hitting on the surface, rather than taking a jig under a bobber. So I adapted and tied up a bubble and fly. That worked out for the 6 yo daughter, she got her first fish, the only bluegill of the day. Then I watched as the trout hit the bubble repeatedly, but still didn't show a lot of love for the fly just a few inches below the surface. I wished I had my fly rod, but we adapted and eventually got a pattern figured out. The grandson showed up with grandma just a short time later, and reeled in his first fish, but it let go just as we lifted it from the water. So we tried again, and he was excited to crank the reel, and was interested in the fish, but only at a distance. Still, it was good to get him into fish for the first time, and in the only few moments his attention span allowed. Under two and he has now caught fish.
After lunch, the kids had their fill of fishing and went home with grandma. I decided to leave the planters for other kids, and went up to Cutler. I tried my luck at a couple of places over the next couple of hours, but only caught 2 yellow bellies.
About that time my son texted and asked if we were going fishing, so I raced home and asked where he wanted to go. He suggested Hyrum, so we headed over to the dam by the spillway. It took a short time to get into them, but after trying bait and bubble and fly, I got a couple of hits on a Jakes, I handed it over to him He proceeded to outfish me about 10 to 1 using my only Jakes. I suggested we trade poles, a gold vibrax for the gold Jakes. He still managed to out-fish me. No worries, I got a couple to cap the day, and it is always more fun as long as someone catches fish.
We had planned to do some night fishing for cats at Cutler, but it turns out he had some homework that needed attention.
All in all a banner day considering I got my two youngest into fish, and the grandson has now caught his first fish.
No pics as the fish were mostly hatchery stock. Grandma got a couple of his first fish to prove it happened, though the tale may require some embellishment over the next few years.
After lunch, the kids had their fill of fishing and went home with grandma. I decided to leave the planters for other kids, and went up to Cutler. I tried my luck at a couple of places over the next couple of hours, but only caught 2 yellow bellies.
About that time my son texted and asked if we were going fishing, so I raced home and asked where he wanted to go. He suggested Hyrum, so we headed over to the dam by the spillway. It took a short time to get into them, but after trying bait and bubble and fly, I got a couple of hits on a Jakes, I handed it over to him He proceeded to outfish me about 10 to 1 using my only Jakes. I suggested we trade poles, a gold vibrax for the gold Jakes. He still managed to out-fish me. No worries, I got a couple to cap the day, and it is always more fun as long as someone catches fish.
We had planned to do some night fishing for cats at Cutler, but it turns out he had some homework that needed attention.
All in all a banner day considering I got my two youngest into fish, and the grandson has now caught his first fish.
No pics as the fish were mostly hatchery stock. Grandma got a couple of his first fish to prove it happened, though the tale may require some embellishment over the next few years.