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Full Version: Organizing Your Hooks...neat little trick
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I have tried a lot of different tips and tricks to keep my hooks from migrating around my hook box. I have tried various different things such as gluing the dividers (they still move around the box) and leaving hooks in bags (tangles) without much success. I tried this neat little trick, and can not be happier...I now use this method for all my loose hooks.
Great tip thanks for sharing
Good tip. I cut up refrigerator magnets and put them in the bottom of the bin.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]That IS a good tip. I've been doing that for at least 10 years. I also use the safety pins to hold all my different sized snap & barrel swivels. And don't forget all those fancy, colored beads and spinners we like to add to our hoochies. Any small item in your tackle box with a hole in it can be kept neatly stored by using safety pins.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [cool][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][fishin][/#800000][/font]
Nice idea - I've used that for organizing my buttons in my sewing stash, but never applied it to fishing - DOH!

Tip tip: Fold a short piece of tape over the back side of the safety pin so you can write the size of the hooks it carries.
Darn good idea..........guess I'm heading out to wally world to get some safety pins
[quote RockyRaab]Tip tip: Fold a short piece of tape over the back side of the safety pin so you can write the size of the hooks it carries.[/quote]

Great idea for an addition to make it even better
Nice idea - THANKS!
great tip Thanks for sharing
Glad everyone enjoyed, hope it helps a few out...I know I love this