Hit Lincoln this morning. South West wind kept me at first spring, only 3 other boats. One that come out started to drift towards Spanish fork, could see him crankin on the motor in the sunshine, so run over to see if needed some help. Got him back to the dock. Only caught one cat before the wind come out of the north about 10.
Great job on retrieving the guy and his boat. Didn't he have an anchor to keep his boat from blowing away while he attempted to start his outboard?
He didn't seem to be to concerned, I do not think he had a lot of UL wind experience,
it would have been a long walk from sandy beach back to his truck, it wasn't much longer after the wind came out of the north and I left, I know when I can see the white cap coming its time to leave, been run off that lake more than I care, sometimes just after i got the boat in the water.
At Least the one you got was a good one! Looks like we will have to wait for the storms to pass again. It must be spring
Yep, I have had a couple scary trips off of that lake in my various boats and, especially on one trip, I was fortunate to not capsize.
Nice cat but was kinda expecting you to do your walleye thing. Must have been too windy but at least you got out.
I have great respect for the wind on UL. Can't count the number of times I have loaded up for a day of cattin' only to make a quick Lincoln drive-thru and return home when the lake was rolling with white caps. It just ain't worth the risk to be on the water with waves rolling.
Looks cold and rainy for most of this week but hoping for another go be Fri. or Sat.
I have told of the story of how when i was 3 months old, the whole family and another friend and family was in mud lake, when we come out the was 5ft swells, every 3rd wave came over the bow, by the time we got to provo every one was soaked to the bone, mom said sell that thing but dad kept it anyway, the other family sold there boat.
I pay pretty close attention to the wind on that lake for sure.
The walleye thing was the objective to start with, I usually throw a chunk of WB meat out under a bobber while I throw for eyes, the wind kept me off the island, I fished the rock pile out from first spring, there have been time I'm not paying attention to the bobber and those cats get it all tangled up in stuff,
Good on ya. Towing that other boat in. Have done that several times myself, and I look at it like paying it forward. I may need a tow some day and I just hope a friendly BFTer is close by [

Ya thats how i look at it to, I sure would have hate to hear about him on the news.