Okay I know you have seen the weather report and Saturday looks to be the best weather of the week... So you're wondering what to do??? Well believe it or not we picked a day for the spring flotilla that isn't going to be raining... at least we hope... So come join us for fishing, food and fun... See Jil's post in the stickies at the top of the state general forum for details and I hope to see you there... It always turns out to be a great get together and talk fishing tales and tactics, rumor has it some of your favorite posters will be there... no I didn't mean me..... Although I will be there too...Later J
I had a great time on my first BFT Flotilla last year, so I encourage those who haven't been going to join us! See you there!
Thanks Ron,
For everyone I forgot to mention bring your radios so when you're on the pond fishing we can pass on hot spots or at least report where we are at... Let's use FRS channel 5.... I'll have my radio on... Oh and bring and fly your flag so we can see the BFT boats... See ya then... J
I’m coming and bringing a friend and my son. This will be our first floatila and my first time at Willard bay. As such I’m a bit apprehensive as I get nervous about new spots and places and navigating then and finding my way. Is it relatively easy to find? I don’t know the great north very well lol. I’m planning on leaving Springville area around 5am hoping that gets me up there around 7 am. Thanks for any encouragement lol
It's very easy to find right off I-15 at the Flying-J truck stop just go under the overpass and past on ramp on left is the entry to the state park. Not sure what entry fee is this time of year, but if you have a pass you can drive right in. The water is high so not much worry of hitting bottom. When you go out of Marina pass bouys before you turn to either side just to be safe. It's a big pond and I haven't fished it yet this year so I don't know where to point you for fish, but I'll probably head south to freeway bay and look for a wiper. If you have a radio hit channel 5 and we'll pass on if we are finding fish. If not PM me your cell number and I'll try to give you a call and let you know what we are finding. Glad you are going to come I look forward to meeting you. See you then Jeff
[#0000FF]Exit 357 off I-15...as shown on the attached map. Go west back under the freeway, past the onramp and then turn left (south) into the state park area.
Thanks Pat,
I forgot to mention the location of the get together at noon at the Eagle Beach Pavillion.... The map really helps too... Thank you... Jeff
It only takes me about 1.5 hours to get from Clearfield to exit 260 where I get off to go to Lincoln Beach. So 2 hours to Willard North from Springville sound about right. Once you get launched and out of the marina, it's not really possible to get lost on Willard. Its almost a round (odd shaped round) bowl. Once you are away from the edges, depth isn't an issue either. I'll be there with the wife in the Tin-Can. This will be #4 Willard Flotilla for me. Looking forward to meeting you. [fishin]
Thanks tin can. Looking forward to putting faces behind the posts. And appreciate the the information.