Fishing Forum

Full Version: Wiper Palooza - Willard 2 May
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Got out to the south marina about three. Not long after getting into the reservoir, I started seeing fish on my finder. Landed a couple nice wipers and broke off another one before the wind and rain hit. Surfed the waves back to the ramp and sat in the truck for an hour hoping it would let up. It did, so I kicked back out and found some more fish. Ended up catching four or five more on a fly and got a bonus kitty dragging a FLIG behind me. Wipers are in great shape. Still hit and fight like a Mac Truck. Other than some wind and rain, it was a pretty decent time.
Nice work and thanks for the report!

Sometimes weather is overrated[Wink]
Larry are those fly heads weighted? Or are they taking it up higher in the water column? Sure looks like a fun time, even if it is a bumpy ride... Thanks J