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Full Version: Wish Wisely, Lincoln Beach 5 4 2018
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Dave and I tried Lincoln again Friday afternoon. We fished from a little after 4 until a little before 10 P.M. We got 9 cats from 15 to 26.5 inches. We found them next to the brush in the afternoon and in deeper water after dark. The largest came on carp meat in about 8 FOW right at dusk. They took cut WB, carp meat, dough balls and shrimp, in that order. In the channel the water was 74 degrees and in the main lake 67 to 69. The wind ranged from very little to none at all. It was a gorgeous afternoon! We didn’t really have any hot action anywhere, although at one point I had 2 cats on at once because they both had the line wrapped around the brush.

Notice I said we caught the largest on carp meat. I have been trying to catch a carp for bait for the last 4 trips and couldn’t do it. Dave put a shrimp and tossed it next to the brush and in ten minutes he gets a 10-pound male. I had barely gotten some fresh chunks cut off of that one and he gets a 12-pound female. At that point he told me to stop wishing I had a carp for bait! He said his wrists were getting sore from battling them. I kept both for bait and then he hooks another one. I told him I had plenty for bait for the whole year and he and breaks it off!

I think the carp removal program is dramatically increasing the average size of those beasts! By the time I got done “processing,” I had 10 bags of carp cutlets and 4 bags of spawn. I doubt I’ll use all of that in a year. Dave told me I should be careful what I wish for.

Except for some electrical problems it was a very good spring outing.
Nice report. Gives me hope as I’m going out tomorrow. Great job to dave on filling your filling your supplies of carp meat and they were beauties. I wish I could land a few myself.
Were there any carp thrashing around yet? Supposed to be in the 80's this week. Driving home from Provo last night, saw a bunch of trucks parked along the outflow from East Bay on the west side of I-15 so I figured they might have started. My fishing bow misses the lake so I kinda want to take it for a walk this week.
Well done. Did Dave hook all of those carp on shrimp? I haven't hooked a carp in years on Utah Lake and I often fish with shrimp and also night crawlers.
Thanks! Dave is a great friend to sacrifice his wrists and fishing time to get me carp meat for bait[Wink]
No carp thrashing. I was really surprised, with the wter so warm, but we only saw them jumping. Can't be long though.
Thanks, yes Dave got them all on shrimp, along with a cat or two. He wasn't trying for carp at all. I have tried dough balls, worms and corn for the last 4 trips and couldn't get one to bite.

I guess Dave just has the "Midas" touch.

Just to keep the record straight, he did get several cats, including a healthy 2 footer.
I was there Friday afternoon anchored east of the dikes. There were several carp assassians. They seemed to be getting quite a few shots. If I had taken my bow would of had numerous shots at small groups skimming off the surface.
That is interesting ice-sled. Maybe Dave and I were just in the wrong place or the wrong time to see the thrashing.

I have often seen that the spawning activity seemed to intensify between daylight and 9 A.M. I wonder if it tapers off as the day heads toward evening or if we were just in the wrong place.

How did you do fishing?
Nice report, sounds like a good trip... I'm sure that carp will go to the right places now... watching for big numbers in the future... Later J
I caught 8 kitties. Bumped up all my fish in the contest.
Sounds like a great outing! I'm gald you found some to bump your score.
Ben-- Those small groups of carp skimming off the surface are what I call carp clusters. I like to sneak around in the open water with my electric while my crew members shoot carp. When you can shoot into a cluster of 10 or 12 carp even I can hit one. It is not uncommon to skewer two or more at time with a well placed shot. Fun.

I did not see very many clusters today but lots of carp activity in the shallows. Good time for the archery guys.

I use a 250# crossbow. My record is 4 with one shot. My carp supply is running low; so I will have it next time on the pond.