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Full Version: Thank you for Flotilla Support
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Hey I need to thank all our wonderful sponsors for the great prizes we were given to pass out at the flotilla... Now I'm dangerous because I'm sure to forget some and it's not because the prizes weren't great, it's just my poor memory these days... But please go say thank you to these sponsors so they know we appreciate their great support of our group...

Sportsman's Warehouse in Midvale donated five $99 rods and reel combos for our Ice challenge prizes..
Maniac Lures donated a ton or lures for our raffle drawings.
Anglers Den donated three gift certificates for the raffle.
CAL Ranch Logan donated a dutch oven for our overall winner of the ice challenge..
BFT donated t-shirts and a hat for the raffle.
Macman donated a gift certificate for the most species prize in the ice challenge..
Rocky covered the cost for all of us to enjoy the pavilion and kicked in prizes as well..
Tubedude (Pat) kicked in a Willard Bay secrets CD...
John (deafman) kicked in an ice rod for the raffle.
Burley was my MVP for the event, he saved my bacon, I couldn't get my act together and Burley cooked all the great fixen's along with Bryce and his wife and Ira preparing all the food... Not to mention Jill and Jeff on set up, planning and food procurement... Rocky again on the facility prep.... All of you that brought food and goodies, what a great meal.... Thank you, This couldn't have happened without all of your wonderful help everyone... Thank you thank you... You're all the best!!!! Again I apologize if I missed you, because I know a lot you provided stuff I've missed, but it is appreciated and when I remember I'll be like dang it I forgot to mention that... but it is appreciated, thank you..

Sorry I didn't have more time to visit due to the logistics of the event, but hope all of you had time to visit with each other and enjoy the event... Was nice to meet several new to me folks that I hadn't met before... was great to renew friendships with the rest of you that I have had the privilege of visiting with and fishing with in years past.. It's a great group of fun anglers.. Thanks for letting me be a part and learn from your wisdom... Till next time, let's keep the info going here on line... Thanks all Jeff
Well done Jeff.
Thanks for putting it on for us. All of you did a great job.
Jeff it was great meetings you. Jill it was great meeting you. Thanks to all who participated and help pull off the flotilla. It was fun to be a part of my first one and hope to do it again. It was nice to meet some new new people and see the faces behind the names and get to see their personalities in person. Great bunch of people and it was a pleasure meting you all.
Thank you, but like I say, it was the crew that did this one I just took the bows for their job well done... Thanks for supporting it so it could be a good get together... J
Justin it was nice to meet you and part of your crew. Glad you could make it up this way. Too bad the fish didn't want to play anymore than they did, but it made it easier to quit for the event. Thanks for joining us and hope to see you again. Later J