Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jpull, Nickajack, Spotted Bass, 5/14, Solo
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Should of submitted this report last week. Put in at suck creek last Wednesday and fished noon to 7:00p. It was one of those few and far between days that I couldn't do anything wrong. Fished submerged timber 5 to 15 feet with a brush hog and Yamamoto worm and boated 30+ spots with an average size of around a pound to pound and a half. Biggest was only a bit over two pounds, but what a day. Two fish on the first three cast and missed the first one. Only got better as the day went on. In all, probably only 6 -8 shorts. Water temp 73 and they didn't seem to care if the current was turned on or off.<br /><br />Sooooooo... Went back today for six hours with high hopes and barely squeaked out 6 shorties. Sometimes fishing leaves me scratching my head emoScratch <br /><br />Jim