05-25-2018, 09:00 AM
Took my Son in law and his Dad to Riverpark for a little fishing. Was joined for an hour or so by my grandson Porter so it made for a very fun outing although we didn't catch many fish. Managed to get 11 in the boat. Nothing big, a couple of 2 to 3 lb largemouths and some smaller spots with a few goggle eye. Water temp was 72 to 74, flow was not much early increased to about 34K. We started around 7:00 am and stopped about 2:00 pm. Fished mostly soft plastics although crankbaits, topwater, and spoons were tried. I hoped there would be some late spawners but we saw no sign of bedding fish. Most fish caught off the bank in current breaks, shade, or eddys. Had a good time!