Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Balboa Lake, AR, Bass, 5/26/18, alone
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Had a blast this morning. Almost did not go since it is Memorial Day Weekend and there are a lot of folks out on the water. Only boated five in the first couple of hours using a rig and spook in the big bay my home is on. Finally decided to move and check a couple other places out. As I was going to another area I saw a school of bass breaking off a main lake point. Got on them and at first was trying the spook. You would have three or four hits sometimes before you would hook up. emoBang Changed to a blue and chrome trap and that did the trick. Ended the morning catching 29 bass. Must have lost another 10 or so, they were crushing the trap but often not eating it. Just kind of slapping at it. Lots of fun! emoDance Riding big waves from ski boat and tubers. The bass did not seem to care so neither did I. emoBigSmile <br /><br />I think the spawn is just about over here and those bass were schooling of three main lake points I fished. Nothing all that big. A couple nice ones in the three lb class. Best five would have only been around 15 to 16 lbs but this ain't the chick. emoRolleyes For here that is pretty good. emoThumbsup Tight lines gang, time to break out the crank baits. emoTongue Jmax