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Brutal today at Lincoln. Arrived at the launch at 4:30 and held forth until about 10:00 hoping to catch my 36 incher and get off the water before the heat became unbearable. Hoped to have a full crew but the boys had to haul hay -- more brutal.

Started out near the "L" and towed carplettes attached to a TD flig westward in about 7-8 fow. Good fishun'. Caught one big black tom cat that i thought for sure was going to be my first 30 incher... not so, big head but only 27 inches. Kept four in the live well for a measure and photo op before releasing them. Three of them reached the 27 inch mark and one checked in at 28.

Lots of carp activity all along the shore. When i arrived at the launch there were carp thrashing in the channel before daylight.

With this hot weather fishing will be limited to mornings or evenings for me. When the nice green lake water starts to look tasty I'm outta there. I always have water with me but seems like you can't drink fast enough to stay hydrated.

The chase continues.

Well done, BLK! Those 27-28" toads aren't bad at all. I'm sure you'll get your 30"er before long, knowing you.
Thinking of going down to LBH Friday with a buddy to haul in some white bass- we'll see. Not a fan of the 2 hour drive but want to hit it before free fish day- the day NOT to fish.
Sounds like a great day Lynn, man this farming is driving me nuts not being able to get out when you guys are all catching such toads. No end in sight for me either, got hay to bale and then water so I'm a couple weeks out at best. Unless I give up sleeping????? Later J
[#0000FF]Sleeping...eating...breathing...all overrated. Fishing? No such thing as an overdose.
[#0000FF]That's better...but still not where ya wanna be. You'll get him soon.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]By the way, the big males seem to really like a little bling with their baby white bass too. And that ain't far off.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I'm making up some glow fligs for your moonlight sonatas.
Good work! It sounds like you had a great morning! 27's and 28's are good for a lot of tugging. You'll zero in on the bigger ones soon. I hope we all do before we run out of opportunity.
[#00bf00]I'm sure I'll probably try pushing that lack of sleep sometime soon, but probably close to the weekend, so I don't pass out at work... If I fall asleep on the tractor what could go wrong? May end up in the pond fishing from my baler... Yup I do need my fishing fix soon, I'm starting to see double... Later J[/#00bf00]
nice fish there BLK. know what you mean about when the water starts to look tasty. There are times I wish I had one of them WATER PURIFYING STRAWS.
Been doing a lot of night runs to bet the heat but then your'e fighting the bugs. I have one of them bug nets but they make them black and hard to see out of at night. besides some midge or moth always finds a way in and buzzes around my eyes and nose. Get hunting down that 36.