06-08-2018, 09:00 AM
I think it is fair to say the spawn here is over. Water temp is in the mid 80s and the shad are running in big schools normally around 10 to 15 foot. I figured out here that the bass will come up under them and push them up to the surface where they have a better chance of getting a meal. This lake has depths of 80 foot so a lot of the fish out in the deeper water are suspended. The issue is trying to catch up to them with-in casting distance. Went mid morning and chased the bass around for a couple hours. I found one area where they seemed to be staying in but it was about 300 yards long and another 100 yards wide. I was still able to get on them a few times before they kept going down. If I got on what appeared to be several schooling I would throw the rig, if it was just one or two they seemed to hit a trap better. Using a chrome trap with a blue back was the best color. I also doubled up twice catching two bass on one cast with the rig. emoTongue I but 24 bass in the boat and lost several others bringing them in. Best one was close to 4 lbers.(pic) I also took a pic of one of my doubles. emoThumbsup All fish were released to fight another day. Around noon they stopped schooling, it got hot and I headed home.<br /><br />Tight lines gang! emoAngler Jmax