Fishing Forum

Full Version: 1 river, 2 hours, 5 species: da Bear
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Didn't get up early enough to join Lavaman, but we did get out for a bit before dusk. Headed over to a nice shady pocket on the Bear and pitched some spinners and grubs.

Ended up meeting up with a number of small fish, but covered several of the varieties that can be found.
Still, I had high hopes for Crappie catching . . . just have to try again.

Smallmouth bass, caught a largie too. Several bass came to visit.
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One fat happy little cookie cutter kitten!
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My dog Misty likes cats
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Bluegill or is it a Green Sunfish? The debate rages on.
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Le' Piece De Resistance! A Walleye - cigar style.
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nice [#545454][size 3]smorgasbord coyote[/size][/#545454]
John, Green Sunfish I think. They tend to turn kind of pink when out of the water.
Hey Yote, you're all dialed in on the river again...nice job... I'm voting gill, but they are pink gills on cutler, don't know why but they are... I'll post a picture of the sunfish... from my phone... later J
Yup - longer and leaner, and has them turquoise stripes along the head. The photo got "adjusted" by my phone and it seems even more pink than it was.

If I'm gonna play panfish along the shoreline I think I need to break out some smaller jigs, like ice jigs.

Of course finding a bigger walleye would be great too!

Hit the Pig yesterday, report pending.
Maybe I'll get chasing kitties on Sunday.