Fishing Forum

Full Version: FishingwithRusty, chick, lm, spots, 061318, Collin & Sam the Dog
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new lower unit arrived yesterday YAY!!!!! was home waiting on it when it arrived. slapped it on, oiled it up and off i went to begin the break in(10hrs&#43Wink, first 5 hrs under 3500rpm so LOTS of idling. surprizing how far you can get just idling...from Ware Branch to Arri's in about 90mins of idling/graphing and stopping to throw on fish Smile even found a new school and some cool new pieces of isolated structure/cover. got the call for dinner and that the boy wanted to come fishing so i made my way back to the house. had dinner swapped fishing partners and went out to catch a few. cb caught a few. no bigs but great evening out with the boy