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Full Version: What kind of minnow is this????
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I was fishing Willard last night and me and the wife seen a few of these in the shallows after dark.
I was thinking baby walleye but I'm usually wrong...

There only maybe a inch to inch and a half but had really neat markings !!!

Wish I had better photos but most did not turn out and the fish where to fast to catch by hand!!!!
I think your original guess may be correct. The coloration looks like a juvie walleye to me. The contrasting colors help them hide from their older and bigger relatives and other species in the lake.
It might also be a young yellow perch but it looks a little long and slender to be a perch. Yellow perch and walleye are both members of the perch family and share some of the same appearance characteristics.

Thanks they was really cool looking and due to lack of luck I was just excited to see a fish....

Lots of bluegill on there beds also our there...

Again THANKS!!!