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Just read this article on KSL. Bummer! I was throwing a casting net in the launch channel last Thursday and had lots of contact with the water. If there are bad bugs in there I surely have them. Have asked wife to watch for changes in behavior... hallucination, stuff like that.

So, if Lincoln Beach is closed does that mean all access and use of the lake in that area is closed?? Goshen Bay okay?? How about launching a kayak by the orchards and fishing eastward? Lots of questions and not many answers.

This algal crap is just a royal pain in the butt. Probably just best to stay away from the stuff and hope it dies and goes away soon. I hate the damper it puts on my fishing.

Clinically depressed.

Hopefully it wont last long, Not really shocked though.
Well for heck sakes!!! I am disgusted as well BLK. Maybe you and I oughta head for DMAD or waters south after cats if Utah Lake is closed for business. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if those sneaky north team varmints didn’t secretly plant the algae to thwart our efforts to dethrone them[Smile]
You may be right. TinCan has made several trips to the Big Pond in the last few weeks. Very incriminating.
This algal crap thing seems like a fairly new thing the past couple of years. I wonder if it caused by not having the bio mass of carp in the lake. I personally don't remember this stuff happening a decade or more ago.
Lynn, wife and I were on our way home yesterday from the Bear River when she saw that report. Really bummed me out. My #3 son and I were all set for a trip to
UL / LB tomorrow morning. From the water depth in LB channel last Sunday with #4 son I figured tomorrow was going to be our last trip before the water got too shallow. Sure was not expecting it to be closed due to the algae again.
I wondered if Provo harbor was also closed, but only info we found was that it was posted with warnings to limit contact with the water. [Sad]

Decided to reroute my trip tomorrow to Willard Bay. Not as big a Cat population, but they are sure tasty.
Well, I don't know where DMAD is, but if you and BLK head further south, take care you don't get caught in one of the several brush fires burning.

Quote:The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if those sneaky north team varmints didn’t secretly plant the algae to thwart our efforts to dethrone them

Quote:You may be right. TinCan has made several trips to the Big Pond in the last few weeks. Very incriminating.

[angelic] What!!??? Me?? I would [b][u]GLADLY poach one of the big Cats BLK keeps hidden away down there somewhere, but I haven't found them yet. [Wink]
And me being up on the Bear River yesterday chasing Ahi's cats was just pure coincidence.

Since it is legal in the Cat Contest rules to take and post one fish from outside your team area, maybe you southern fellas should make a trip up to Cutler Res. and hook a few big ones out of Jeff's backyard. [:/]
So... I took a little ride out to Lincoln to witness the horror of it all myself. Surprised to see boats coming and going all morning in spite of "closed" signs?? Several truck/trailer outfits parked in the parking with empty trailers, water skiers coming and going with boats full of kids?? No sign of any type of enforcement so not sure if they just have not had time to put up barriers or maybe content to warn and let boaters go at own risk?

My preference is for the latter... warn and let people decide for themselves if the risk is a threat to life. For launching a boat to fish and heading out to open water -- say to Bird Island -- is not the same as frolicing in the channel with whatever goo-poo may be there. Sometimes i think the people that feel the need to close the area are just trying to justify their esistence and really just do not have enouth to do. I'd like to see more effort put in to getting rid of the damn stuff and less exercise of authority to close and deny access.

The issue might be moot anyway in that the water level is dropping pretty fast now. Might have to look in to a kayak or just be religated to bank tangling. Sad situation.

How long 'til hunting season?

blk (no capitals)
Quote:The issue might be moot anyway in that the water level is dropping pretty fast now. Might have to look in to a kayak or just be religated to bank tangling. Sad situation.

Agree with you there Lynn. But your photos just prove that a big, powerful boat does not necessarily make the operators smart. I see life jackets on the kids, but none on or readily available to all the adults. And maybe they can't read signs either. Hope for the sake of the kids that boat does not get into any trouble on the water.
The warnings should be heeded.

Here are some fun loving people enjoying the water anyway:

But, the toxic algae had horrific effect and this is what happened:
[#0000FF]Yeah verily. Take ye heed of the warnings and scoff ye not at the potential for ill effects. That stuff can and does alter life as we know it.[/#0000FF]

98 days to the opening of the elk season[laugh].

Thanks for the pictures. The sign says to stay out of the water, so would bank fishing be okay as long as I wear gloves? And I'll try not to drink too much of the water, but if I do, at least they have included the number to Poison Control!
TD, are those your cousins Elroy and Leroy? They look familiar !! The problem is one of water. The water managers have held water that used to flow into Ut Lake in Jordanelle, Deer Creek, and other reservoirs rather than let it go into Ut. Lake. Couple that with the drought and high temps and you get the blooms. Blooms are not new to Ut. Lake. Rick Meyer's, who used to run Eagle Marine on Center Street in Provo, sold T shirts that read " Ski the Scum". No one ever closed the lake back then, people just went further into the center of the pond to escape the heavy algae along the shore. We have a bunch of nervous nellies now who are afraid of their own shadows, so they get publicity with their editics !!
[#0000FF]Sorry. Cain't claim those fine lookin' fellers as kin. Been hanging onto that picture for a few years. It was originally titled "Corn Chummers".[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I agree that Utah Lake has always had a summer "bloom". But I suspect that the toxic algae strains are possibly a more recent addition to the soup. As Utah Valley has grown, so have the agricultural, industrial and residential "contributions" to our much mistreated pond.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]But I do tend to agree that those with well-paid positions in government watchdog groups often feel the need to raise a ruckus to call attention to their own importance. That's not always a bad thing. A lot of folks need help saving themselves from themselves.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Famous last words from Utah goobers..."Here, Jared, hold my beer and watch this." (Apologies to all the rednecks in other states)[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF][url ""]HERE'S A LINK[/url] to an article on the subject in this morning's Salt Lake Tribune.
I defense of the burrocrats, "Algaeness leads to Litigious."

If there were no warnings, the first goober (he's the one on the left above) to get sick after being in the lake would sue the various water entities for bazillions of dollars. And likely win.

Signs are cheap; lawsuits are not.
[#0000FF]There is a non-governmental term for that...CYA.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Where there's a will...there is a lawyer...or two or more. And they get paid even if nobody else does.
Just finished my almost daily drive-by at Lincoln. Six or so empty trailers and one boat launching when I got there… all fishermen. I like what Rocky said about the signs being there as a cover-thy-butt effort to avoid litigation if someone decides to bathe in the launch channel and ends up looking like TD's cousins. Big crowd anticipated there over the 4th week so probably appropriate to warn skiers and others who might play in the water.

I'm going out fishing tomorrow. Will take enough money to make bail if needed but I am going. With water levels dropping fast I need to fish while I can still launch.

Cautiously optimistic.

[#0000FF]Wow. You sir are a thrillseeker and a scofflaw. My kinda guy. I'll bet you even tear the tags off mattresses.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Good luck. Next week is a wipeout for me all around but if you ain't in jail the week afterward maybe I can come down and we can pull a catfish caper together.
Now Forest don't be bring'en those dang southern boys up here, in fact make sure you're decontaminaten your boat before you come back... don't want no scum up this way... algae that is.... well the other kind too..

Oh and Pat, I doubt that agriculture can be blamed for the scum problem, seems all the ag ground in Utah county is covered by buildings and sprawl these days...

As for the algae problem, sorry about that, but we could use the break, fish aren't biting up this way and the lead is nearly lost... Do hope things get better soon so we can beat ya fairly... Later J
"Oh and Pat, I doubt that agriculture can be blamed for the scum problem, seems all the ag ground in Utah county is covered by buildings and sprawl these days..."

[#0000FF]When was the last time you took a drive around "Golden Pond"? Only a small portion of the lake is "urbanized". Lots of ag land that drains into the lake one way or another. But, in fairness, the "treated wastewater" from residential and industrial probably far exceeds any ag contributions in terms of algae feed.[/#0000FF]
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