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So, I have recently fallen in love with kokanee fishing. I am wanting to give porcupine a try but in looking at it on google I cant find a boat ramp. It looks like there may be some dirt roads that die into the lake but no concrete boat ramp. I have and 18' bass boat and my questions is does anyone who is familiar with the lake have any input on whether or not launching something like that is a possibility at porcupine?

thank you in advance for any input
You are correct, no concrete launch there but there is a launch, at the back of the lake, that you would have no problems launching your boat, at least while the lake is full.
I recently launched my 16" Tracker at the first "ramp" with no problems at all. See picture for location of ramp.

Caught many small kokanee (10-12") and 1 22" Brown.
There are two dirt boat ramps - both are marked by the quagga signs that have the little forms for you to fill out and put in your windshield.

If you come in from Cache Valley, the first "ramp" you'll see is longer, narrower, and steeper than the 2nd ramp you'll find further down the road. Most people launch from the 2nd.

However, if you're kokanee fishing, I've found most of the kokanee are on the north side of the lake from the first boat ramp to damn. Troll back and forth along that north shore and I'm sure you'll catch something as long as you have a fish finder to find where they're sitting that day. I've only fished it for two seasons but 90% of the kokanee I've caught were from there. The other 10% were along the south shore just opposite the 1st ramp, east of the Porcupine river inlet.

While I've found pop gear and wedding rings work best in Strawberry, I've found mini-dodgers and mini-squids work best at Porcupine.

You should also know that the kokanee in there will always be smaller than the ones in larger waters. However, I believe the limit is 12 salmonoids of which only 4 can be trout. Meaning you can take 12 kokanee or a max of 4 browns along with 8 kokanee.

FYI there are trophy browns in there. Keep your kids out of the water or they may get eaten!
They did grade the road somewhat- I took my 18 ft up b4 they did. Broke a hub- had
to go into the local trailer place and get parts. Took about 3 hours total to get back to my house in Paradise. Then redid both sides the next day. Not taking my trailer up again.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I launch a 20 1/2 foot long ThunderJet boat from the back (east end) sand beach area with no problems at all. On weekends, it gets very crowded back there with all of the campers/families using that area for swimming and shore fishing, but you wouldn't have any problems launching your boat. It is, however, a long, dusty, winding, sometimes rough, narrow road to get back there with several spots too narrow for vehicles to pass on another. Drive very slow and you shouldn't have any problems. It takes me about 30 minutes from the end of the pavement at the base of the dam to get to the back launch.[/#800000][/font]
I was up there two weeks ago today and took pictures. The first ramp is recognizable, I am unsure if the other picture is the launching site referred to as the back ramp or not, but it looks like a boat could be launched on a full reservoir.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Your second picture is the back launch area. And you can launch from there with little or no problems. As the reservoir level drops it reveals more hard packed sand bottom there. It has an increasingly steeper angle, but I've launched there as late as the end of July in years past with a 16 ft Tracker Targa DeepV boat.[/#800000][/font]