Has anyone fished for grayling, or caught any, at Silver Lake Flat Reservoir or Silver Lake (Utah County) recently? And, in general, how do you fish for them? Do you do the same as for trout? Anything specific that grayling go for?
I've always caught them on flies.... Renegades seemed to work when I've caught them in the past.... Good luck... J
Thanks. Would size 12 be about right? Do you think Rio Grande Kings or Royal Coachmen might work, too?
Yes I like size 12's and I'm sure any fly you feel confident in fishing will work. I'm not a great match the hatch guy, so I use the renegade because it seems to work most of the time and so I fish it with confidence and I catch a lot of fish... On a very finicky day you may be in trouble, but most of the time it works for me... Someday I'll be smarter when it comes to fly fishing, but at this point I'll keep faking it till I make it... Later J
I actually use a slightly smaller fly. 14 or 16 seems to work for me. The renegade is a good choice as mentioned.
As mentioned, smaller stimulator patterns work well for them. We also killed them up in the Uintas on black ant patterns. They have tiny, soft mouths so don't get frustrated if you miss a lot. Such a fun fish to go after...have fun!
I've done well with size 14 parachute adams and they also took any small midge if you want to have a dry-dropper setup. The grayling bite was good pretty much around the entire lake the last time I fished it, but I did especially well around the inlet, which is real close to the parking area/trail head to silver lake.