07-10-2018, 09:00 AM
went out w/Billie last nt. put in at cfp at 6:30 and we both decided we wanted to try some deep water ledges. so first stop I'm throwing my trusty carolina rigged w/ a magnum green pumpkin lizard and Billie throwing a swim bait . after a few casts , Billies rod is bent double and we are anxious to see whats on the other end , and meanwhile I'm still throwing and pulling my lizard and all of a sudden my rod is almost yanked out of my hands and I'm fighting to stay on board, fish is about to pull me overboard !! Billie cant help me, cause he's still trying to get his fish on board !!!! so He gets his to surface and its a giant drum , andI'm thinking I prob. have the same thing, so Billie yells at me to give her some slack and I'm trying to keep her out of the motor Lol!!! then , I'm thinking , hey this feels like a big ole bass and bingo, she tries to jump and throw the lizard!! Oh my gosh the fight was really on then once i saw it was a bass . Finally hauled her in and she's pushing 6 lbs on the scales ! That got us ready and willing to keep fishing deep so stayed ther a bit longer , then Billie said lets go try another ledge , so off we go and get to our second spot and fish are busting all over the place ,so I put down my lizard and throw my gold jigging spoon and Billie throwing crankbait . We start hauling in a variety there, cause everybody feeding at the same table lol!!!! So we both start catching some good bass 2 and 3 lbers, and 2 of mine were about 4 lbers that shook off treble hook somehow , then its dark thirty and we break out our spinnerbait . We are still catching but has slowed down a bit and all of a sudden my rod goes double again !!! I'm freaking out , cause I know its another big girl , and Billie yelling at me to haul her in !!! Well she pushing the scales at 5 lbs. and I'm estatic !! Thats the first time in my fishing career I've caught 2 big bass at one outing . Then Billie starts thinking and adding up my fish and he says , wow, youve landed about 20 lbs of bass tonight and lost 2 at 4 lbs each so if i had gotten those two in I would've had 28 lbs . so it's about 11 p.m. by this time and Billie had to work today so we had to come in.So am going to try to post them if I can . We had a great night of fishing and they were really pulling water last night , that always helps the bite . We prob. caught around 15 bass , 1 very large drum some stripe and a few brim. We plan on another trip in early morn. before the crazies get up and decide they want to go jetsking or paddleboarding or cruising ! See Yall out there !!!