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Full Version: 2018 catfish contest Bottomwatcher
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Bear River
31.5 "
[#00bf00]Nice fish, looks like 31.5 points... make sure we can see the year on your placard in the future also if possible get clearer photo's I know that's really hard when alone and trying to get pictures at night... nice first entry this year... Later J[/#00bf00]
Looks more like 32”.
nice one BW north needed more biggies
Yep, nice fish. I'm with Ice Sled... with a third hand I'll bet you could get 32 on that one. Well done!
Thanks guys. yea I could have got 32" out of the fish with some help but by yourself you do the best you can. The fish was a chunk. 14 lbs
Bear River

Wow the fish haven't been in there yet this year. I've got skunked twice and the big ones are few and far between. Still need the monster to catch Ahi though. Good luck y'all!

[#00bf00]Okay, looks like you have the 31 points... You need to get a bump board so it's easier for me to tell lengths... I know it's not required, but would make it easier for me to score, and your fish are important to be accurate since you have a very good chance at the top... Nice fish!!![/#00bf00]
Nice Cat there BW. How do you get them to lay still for their photo ?
you just keep taking pictures and hope for the best. they never seem to hold still.
Bear River

[#00bf00]Nice job, good for 29.5 points and 3rd place... [/#00bf00]
very nice BW. got a clue to your honey hole. Its got a sandy clay bank. So If I start at the refuge and head north hitting very sandy bank I just may find you [Image: bobwink.gif]