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Full Version: Pretty good morning on the Bay
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My son and I hit Willard a little after 7 this morning and quit fishing about 11:30. We mainly trolled Flicker Shad in various colors, we ended up with two walleye at 19 in. 3 wipers that ran from 20-23 inches and 6 catfish in the 18 to 20 in. range. Lake was pretty calm all morning with very few bugs. Only one skier that we seen, did see the parks boat cruise by around 11 or so. May make a return trip Friday .
How do you fish the Flicker Shad?
Long line
Planner Boards?

I want to hit Willard in a few days and would love to catch something while trolling.

Thanks in advance for any help that you fill like sharing.
Planer boards and downriggers, depth and speed varies as does the color and size of the flicker shad we use.
I'm hoping to get up there next Friday, is the power squadron pretty dead the first half of the day?
That is what I would call a perfect day at the Bay for this time of year. Thanks for the report.
Hitting Willard again myself in the morning.